You can have this wonderful instrument at 40% discount!

The accordion “Wood Series Acoustic” are the expression of an ongoing research and a careful study and constant features that have always characterised the tools of Victoria Accordions.  Solid wood Accordion built with highly audible Woods, created by a real luthier. This accordion is unique and unrepeatable: the means by which the musician communicates his art.  Woods used are aged at least 7 years. The work is done by hand using old systems, the manner of classical great Luthiers of Cremona Stradivari and Amati.

Construction specifications:

– Finest Acoustic Wood
– Piano Standard
– Cassotto

41/120    4/5   2 Cassotto   Weight 10.6kg

LIMITED OFFER contact or phone Sergio at 083 302 3113

Don’t let it go…’s too good to be true…. BUT IT IS TRUE!!!

Valid for Southern African clients