I M P O T A N T   A N N O U N C E M E N T  for South African Accordion Players.
We are proud to announce that the Johannesburg Music Festival has included a section for ACCORDIONS in the SASMT (South African Society of Music Teachers) JHB Festival for the Advancement of Music.Dates: 22nd July to 3rd August
Time: Afternoons from 2pm and evening
Place: Williams Block, WITS Education Campus (Old JCE)Sergio Zampolli has been appointed as the co-ordinator for the section

There are 2 sections:

JUNIOR 14 years and under SOLOS
SENIOR 15 years and over SOLOS

We have a great opportunity to showcase our instrument, which has been missing from these competitions for many years.
I appeal to all teachers to send your students to the festival. They created this category for us, and we must support it.
For further details please contact Sergio Zampolli :
Email: Sergio@accordionhubsa.co.za