We live in a big country and there are many areas which are secluded and without accordion teachers. Therefore any potential interested enthusiast may choose another inst rument, or teach him/herself the accordion. Well, now you can have professional teaching in your own lounge at your own convenience and pace, and you can save travelling costs. It makes the impossible possible, and the possible easier and cheaper. All you need in addition to your present computer, is an ADSL line and a webcam, and you need to download Skype free of charge from the Internet. A free 15-minute consultation by appointment is available, in order for you to explore this possibility.
Lessons on Skype (one-on-one) will be available as follows:
Monday – Friday: 19h00 – 21h00
Saturday: 14h00 – 17h00
Sunday: by appointment
Contact: Sergio Zampolli via e-mail at
Telephone: 083 302 3113
Skype address: sergio_zampolli
Payment will be by EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer), please request banking details.