Excelsior History

Established in New York in 1924, the Excelsior Company has long been serving the market with great accordions. The company considered expansion of their production and sales in 1948 and since then ,the excellent sound, quality and fine look of the Excelsior accordions have been appreciated all over the world. It was in fact noted in one of the resources, that the greatest popularity of Excelsior accordions was reached after the Second World War, as they became a “must” for any big orchestra Charles Magnante and Art Van Damme are two among the many popular accordionists who prefer Excelsior.

As commonly claimed, all of the professional models of Excelsior accordions are very prestigious instruments. The selection ranges from the top-quality 960 (922 in button), highlighting tone chamber or cassot to and five sets of reeds that appear both in treble and bass, to the lighter 911 with 610 in button that is recommended to folk and modern music players. Apart from that, there is the glorious AC, popularly known as “Continental”, which has long been deemed as the one of the best accordions ever made in all times. Specifically, this model boasts its hand made sets of reeds in treble and six in bass, tone chamber, and lightest keyboard. It is these features which makes the Excelsior Continental the most appreciated by jazz and classic music lovers.

On the semi-professional side of Excelsior accordions, it is worth noting that all of the Excelsior accordions in this category are designed and crafted according to the same quality standards applied to professional accordion manufacturing. It also covers a wide range of models which generally meet any requirement that students or experienced amateurs may have.

Just recently, Excelsior proudly introduced their new Conservatory series that consists of six new mid-priced converter accordions. This particular series of Excelsior accordion was actually produced after many years of cooperation with teachers and professionals and uses only the best quality materials and skilled craftsmen. This series is now renowned for its superb tonal quality and elegance that compares to its reasonable price.

The Excelsior accordion company today goes ahead in its tradition of quality and prestige, but all of their products are still crafted with selected materials and in accordance with the best traditional craftsmanship. As you may know, to own an Excelsior accordion these days is like owning a prestigious instrument and following the path of the best accordion players of the past and present.